FtSE Member News: The Foster Care Co-operative - Increasing the number of Diverse Foster Carers15/4/2015
![]() The Foster Care Co-operative in partnership with Pride Cymru, as part of their Diverse Families initiative, are holding an information evening for anyone would like more information about becoming a foster carer. The event is the first in a series planned, starting in the capital. This event is being held at The Wharf, on Schooner Way in Cardiff Bay, on Thursday 16th April 2015 between 4.30-7.30pm. It is a drop in session, so those interested can come at any point during this time. Part of the 1st year anniversary celebrating the legalisation of same sex marriages in the UK, this information drop in event is aimed at breaking down the myths and stereotypes that still surround the foster care sector, and changing some of these perceptions. Tracey Bancroft, on behalf of Pride Cymru said; “Since its inception in 1999, Pride Cymru (formally Mardi Gras) has been a medium to promote LGBT equality and highlight issues faced by our community. As an organisation, we also want to promote opportunities to the community too.” “Working alongside The Foster Care Co-operative, gives us the chance to let more people know LGBT parenting is no different to parenting. Children need to be brought up in safe, caring homes where they can experience something that every child has a right to – a loving family. It could be the most fulfilling, surprising, challenging and rewarding thing you ever do” The teams from The Foster Care Co-operative and Pride Cymru will both be on hand to meet those who want to find out more. Current Foster Carers and Social Workers will also be present to talk about the process and what is involved day to day. Foster Carers can be: • Single, in a civil partnership, married or unmarried • Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or heterosexual • From any ethnic or religious background • A homeowner or living in rented accommodation • Working, unemployed or retired • Parents already • Any age (over 21) • Having a disability or a medical condition doesn’t exclude you, as long as you are able to cope with the rigours of parenting! Kim Perkins, Registered Manager for Wales said; “Unfortunately, there are still a lot of misconceptions about who is able to foster that may discourage potential carers from applying. We do need more people who have the right skills and qualities to foster to come forward and make a long lasting positive difference to the life of a child. You will soon realise that our organisation is quite unique; we are the only co-operative in Foster Care within the United Kingdom, and we use the structure and benefits that this provides to ensure that we are strongly focused on the care of vulnerable children. Also, we are a committed not for profit organisation, meaning we do not have any shareholders and the children and young people are placed with Foster Carers based on their needs and not to reach a numerical target. Our experienced Social Workers are more than happy to provide further information and answer any questions, so I’d definitely encourage anyone interested in fostering to come along to the event, or to contact us.” More information on our facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Foster-Care-Co-operative/337692639580389?ref=hl#!/events/959573150742951/?ref_newsfeed_story_&feed_story_ More information on Pride Cymru: http://www.pridecymru.co.uk/ Source: http://www.fostercarecooperative.co.uk/fostering-with-us/news-and-events/increasing-the-number-of-diverse-foster-carers/ Comments are closed.
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