On Thursday 10 May 2012, Wendy, Angela and Carol, three sisters that foster care with Community Foster Care, were interviewed by Anna King on BBC Radio Gloucestershire.
Anna King asked the sisters a number of questions, including how they became foster carers, how old their own children were at the time and what is the best thing about being a foster carer. Becky Pearson, Community Foster Care's Chief Executive, who accompanied the three sisters, also touched on CFC's approach to foster care and how it differs from other agencies. Here's a link to the interview on BBC iPlayer: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/p00r7sm6 If you want to skip straight to their interview, it starts at 14:30 into the recording. Click here to visit the Foster Care Fortnight 2012 information page. Source: www.communityfostercare.co.uk Comments are closed.
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