What is the Fostering Information Exchange?
The Fostering Information Exchange (FIE) is a group on the Local Government Association’s Knowledge Hub, which is a secure online knowledge sharing platform which enables users to create connections to peers and experts in their fields of interest, share learning, experiences and ideas. The FIE was developed following demand from the sector for there to be a place where everyone involved or interested in foster care could share practice; explore ideas; discuss issues or new developments and access resources. Membership is particularly welcomed from foster carers, social workers, fostering service providers, researchers, training and development staff and policy makers. FIE has been developed by a partnership involving the British Association for Adoption and Fostering, the Fostering Network, the Nationwide Association of Fostering Providers, the Who Cares? Trust and the Department for Education. What are the benefits of FIE FIE provides a whole range of tools to help share knowledge and discuss matters with others.
If you have previously registered with other LGA online services you should be able to log into Knowledge Hub with the same username and password. If not, registering for an account takes a few minutes.
Source: www.baaf.org.uk/info/Fostering-Information-Exchange Comments are closed.
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