FtSE Member News: Action for Children - Campaigners call for new vision for children in care10/6/2015
We have joined forces with the other leading children’s charities to call for a fundamental shift in supporting children and young people to recover from the trauma of abuse and neglect. The Alliance for Children in Care and Care Leavers is calling for a clearer definition of what care is aiming to achieve. The group wants a statement in law defining the principal aim of the care system for those children who spend a significant time in care, as promoting psychological healing from past harm, building resilience and achieving well being. In order to achieve this change a new framework is required to measure how all children and young people are coping in care which can be used to hold local authorities to account. ‘A new vision’ is published at a time when the care system continues to fail too many children, despite the evidence that care can be the right option and can provide the security, stability and love that children need. The Alliance is also calling for:
“Care is the right option for many children and young people. It can provide them with the love and warmth that they need to have happy and secure childhoods. “But, despite the collective efforts of national and local government, the focus on the best outcomes for children has been lost. “The impact of traumatic experiences like severe neglect and family breakdown is enduring. Yet too many young people say that the reasons they come into care are not addressed. It is time to renew our efforts for children in care and care leavers.” Enver Solomon, Director of Evidence and Impact at the National Children’s Bureau and co-director of the Alliance for Children in Care and Care Leavers said: “The care system is not just about removing children from harmful situations and putting a roof over their heads. Many children in care have been seriously abused or neglected, and rely on local authorities as corporate parents to help them get back on their feet. Ultimately, the care system should help children overcome their past experience and forge the lasting and positive relationships that we know are vital to their future wellbeing.” For more information contact Liz Fenwick or email [email protected] / 07718 114031. For urgent enquiries out of office hours call 020 3124 0661. The Alliance for Children in Care and Care Leavers is comprised of: A National Voice Action for Children British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) Barnardo’s British Association of Social Workers (BASW) Children England Coram Voice Family Rights Group Institute of Recovery from Childhood Trauma National Association of Independent Reviewing Officers (NAIRO) National Children’s Bureau (NCB) NSPCC National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) Children’s Commissioner for England’ TACT The Care Leavers’ Association The Children’s Society The Fostering Network The Prince’s Trust The Who Cares? Trust Together Trust Young Minds The Alliance for Children in Care and Care Leavers’ ‘A new vision’ is available here. A Young people’s version is also available. Souce: https://www.actionforchildren.org.uk/news-and-opinion/latest-news/2015/june/children-in-care-alliance/ Comments are closed.
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