ftse Member news: Action for cHILDREN - Huge success in Stonewall Workplace Equality Index20/1/2014
![]() Action for Children leads the children’s sector in Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers 2014, which ranks Britain's best employers for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) staff. We broke into the top 100 for the first time leaping to 51st place from 102nd last year. Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index 2014, which takes into account a range of key indicators including a confidential employee attitude survey and the results of a confidential questionnaire of lesbian, gay and bisexual staff, with over 9,700 participants. LGB Champion and director of public policy, Helen Donohoe, said: “Moving up so quickly in the list is an amazing achievement. The charity has taken onboard the new ideas to ensure that everyone feels able to be themselves at work and give us all they’ve got. It’s fantastic recognition for the team and we will continue to improve and progress on LGB equality.” Michelle Moon Lim from Stonewall said: “Not only have you debuted in the Top 100, Action for Children’s rank is astounding. We were particularly impressed with your comprehensive equality impact assessments, anti-bullying and harassment initiatives and new line manager guidance. "Tracking the last twelve months, the submission demonstrated the true impact your diversity and inclusion initiatives have had on your staff and the young people you support. We commend you and your team for all your hard work. Congratulations again.” Source: www.actionforchildren.org.uk/news/archive/2014/january/huge-success-in-stonewall-workplace-equality-index Comments are closed.
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