![]() The Chief Executive of Community Foster Care, Hugh Pelham, has announced his retirement. Hugh joined the independent agency, based in Staunton, Gloucestershire, in 2014 and has overseen significant changes at a time when the national shortage of foster carers has shown no let-up. He thanked his team, carers and board for their support and praised their dedication. “The work that Community Foster Care and our sister organisation Community Family Care does every day is a constant inspiration,” he said. “We are a child-centred organisation which never loses sight of the children who are in care through no fault of their own, and everything our incredible foster carers do leaves me speechless with admiration.” He will leave the organisation which provides foster carers for cared-for children in May 2017. Chair of Trustees John McLaughlin thanked Hugh for his work. “Hugh has been a great Chief Executive and we wish him every happiness in his well-earned retirement.” Before joining Community Foster Care, Hugh, 69, spent three years with the Children’s Family Trust where he was both Regional Manager for the Children’s Family Trust and a Trustee. He was also Policy and Research Adviser for The Adolescent and Children’s Trust (TACT), the largest fostering and adoption charity in the UK. He grew up in Essex and trained as a mental health nurse and a social worker. He has been working with children since the 1980s. He spent almost 20 years with local authorities before moving to the Third Sector in 2001. From 2001 to 2005 he was Chief Executive of East London Foster Carers before its merger with TACT. He then became Executive Director of Children’s Services for TACT for six years until 2011. CFC is a registered charity and not-for-profit company operating in Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Lancashire and Cumbria. Established in 1999, it has nine staff based in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, five in Lancashire and Cumbria, and three in Community Family Care. Information about the post of Chief Executive can be found at http://www.communityfostercare.co.uk/about-us/job-vacancies/chief-executive-officer Source: http://www.communityfostercare.co.uk Comments are closed.
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