![]() TACT CEO Andy Elvin gave oral evidence yesterday to House of Commons Education Committee, in connection with the Committee’s inquiry into fostering in England. TACT was invited to be a witness before the Committee following the charity’s submission of written evidence, which raised a number of issues in relation to fostering, including the systemic weaknesses in both local authority fostering teams and in present commissioning arrangements, and the need for foster carers to be recognised and respected as an authority on their child. Andy said: “TACT was pleased to draw the Education Select Committee’s attention to our innovative partnership with Peterborough City Council which is the first time a charity will take over a local authority’s fostering and adoption service. TACT also raised the lack of respect sometimes shown to foster carers by the professional network and the fact the foster carer should be respected as the expert on their child. And we were also pleased that the committee recognised the issue of excessive profit made by commercial agencies in the fostering market. “ TACT was joined on the witness panel by representatives for the National Fostering Agency, the Nationwide Association of Fostering Providers, Kent County Council and the Children’s Services Development Group. Jon Fayle – TACT’s Chair of Trustees, also gave evidence to the Committee, in his capacity of Vice-Chair for National Association of Independent Reviewing Officers. You can watch Andy and other witnesses give evidence to the Education Committee here. Source: https://www.tactcare.org.uk Comments are closed.
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