PACT and New Family Social will be running focus groups on Thursday 17th July to help design a new campaign to attract more LGBT adopters. We are inviting adopters to share their ideas and views on marketing materials and planned activities. Your input will be key in helping the campaign to find new LGBT families for some of the 6,000 children still waiting to be adopted. Can you attend one of two sessions?
Each session will be for 5 – 8 people and last up to two hours long comprising of an informal discussion. You won’t need to do any preparation or have any prior knowledge of marketing – just a willingness to share your ideas about the general perception of adoption, barriers and myths, and how PACT can increase awareness of its services. Refreshments will be provided. PACT will pay travel expenses and each participant will also be given a £10 M&S voucher. RSVP by Thursday 10th July. For more information or to sign up to attend, please contact [email protected]. Source: Comments are closed.
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