St Christopher’s took part in Foster Care Fortnight 2016, a national campaign by the Fostering Network to raise awareness of fostering and to celebrate the work that carers do. The theme for this year’s event was Time to Foster, Time to Care. Every 20 minutes a child comes into care in the UK in need of a foster family. More than 9,000 new carers are needed across the country in this year alone. We asked our carers to think of their favourite fostering memory with St Christopher’s so that we could share it on social media. They all spoke about how rewarding it is to be a carer and how they feel proud of their young people’s achievements. Two carers also shared stories about their fostering experiences with us on our blog. Our fostering teams in London, Essex and the West Midlands also got involved by sharing the things they like the most out about working with St Christopher’s carers. In our office in Putney, South West London, staff celebrated the fortnight with some 20 minute activities including a French lesson, a quiz and a communal lunch. Everyone also donned their best green outfits for one day during the first week and brought in homemade cakes to start Foster Care Fortnight with a bang. The activities made people think about the things they could learn in 20 minutes and how they could make a difference to someone’s life in this amount of time. Carers have a really challenging job but they make a tangible difference to the young people they support. Thank you to all of our foster carers for the amazing work you do. Source: Comments are closed.
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