FtSE Member News: The Children's Family Trust - Celebrating LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week 201611/3/2016
7-13 March 2016 has been another brilliant week of highlighting awareness of the need of Foster Carers in the form of LGBT Adoption & Fostering week. Started by LGBT support group ‘New Family Social’ LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week first started in 2012 and has grown year on year! Each spring, agencies across the UK hold events specifically for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender prospective parents. This year, we held a number of events to try and encourage any people who were thinking about fostering or had any questions, to get in touch with us. Our offices held ‘Open Days’ which were filled with lots of hot drinks (and a few sugary treats!) and our team answered questions about what it’s like to Foster for our charity. On Thursday 10th March, two members of our North East team, Liz Newton and Lisa Vainola, appeared on the ‘Made with Pride TV show’ in association with Pride Radio to talk about our campaign for recruiting carers from the LGBT Community. The show is hosted every Tuesday & Thursday from 10PM by the brilliant Peter Darrant and is watched locally on Sky, Virgin Media, Freeview and is freely accessible through the internet. Liz & Lisa did a fabulous job of talking about the need for Foster Carers in the UK (despite being a bit nervous!) and talked a little bit about the inclusivity of becoming a carer. To watch the girls in action click the link:http://www.madeintyneandwear.tv/player/?playercat=79485&vid=l8c8ti96 Source: thecft.org.uk Comments are closed.
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