Now in the process as being assessed as Foster Carers – same sex couple Stewart & James share their experience of why they want to foster a child and what attracted them to The Children’s Family Trust… “The reason’s we want to foster are, as a couple we feel we have so much to give a child or children that need some support as they go through or have been through some difficult times. I have a daughter and I’ve fostered before when in a previous relationship and I feel I made a difference to the children’s lives when they came to stay with me and my wife. Although my current partner, James does not have any children of his own he has always wanted to benefit a child’s life in some way. When we met, he instinctively thought of my daughter as being his own and he sees her as his responsibility and shows his love towards her. We chose the Children’s Family Trust simply because they popped up on my Facebook feed and at the time we were considering fostering, but as a couple we were worried as being gay males that this may not be possible. We know that everyone is considered as “equal” but we were still unsure. After speaking to Julia Robertson, Registered Manager of the North East Team, we were reassured that being a gay male couple would not be a barrier to us fostering. We don’t feel that being gay should stop us from fostering but we understand that we are not the stereotypical idea of a family; however we still have a lot of love, time, support and guidance to give a child who needs it. We realise that if we are approved as foster carers, we may come in for some discrimination from others who do not agree with this as there is no female figure within our home, however society seems to be more accepting of LGBTQ individuals and we hope that they will see us as the loving and caring couple that we are – a couple who are able to provide the love care and stability that a child needs to support their development.” At The Children’s Family Trust, we believe that giving a safe and loving home to a child is the most important thing a Foster Carer can do. If you think you, or someone you know, have the passion & qualities to become a Foster Carer, please contact us on 0300 111 1945 to find out more. Source: Comments are closed.
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