![]() Today Foster Carers in Wales went on one of the new courses we have introduced, based on their suggestions for their training needs. The course was aimed at showcasing the positive benefits of using social media and social networking, for the Foster Carers and the children and teenagers they look after. Topics that were covered included: 1) A brief overview of popular Social Media platforms 2) Safe Social use 3) Why organisations should use Social Media? 4) How to use Social Media to build relationships and trust 5) Tips on how to create “rich content” 6) Why it's good to share 7) Some studies of successful Social Media charity and not for profit campaigns 8) How NOT to do Social Media (the last bit was just a bit of fun, showing examples of how some people have got social totally wrong) The course was taken by Chris Moore, who is a familiar voice on Welsh radio stations for 30 years working for Red Dragon fm and working from day one at Real Radio Wales - where he was Wales' most listened to commercial radio presenter. Chris was instrumental in developing social media usage at Real Radio and utilised the power of social media platforms to build a closer relationship with the audience. Chris graduated with a degree in Social Media from the University of South Wales a few years ago. www.chrismooremedia.co.uk Here’s what some of our Foster Carers had to say about the course: “As a novice I did not know what to expect, very interesting, drawing me out of a negative position. I can see the positives in sharing news, information and promotions.” “It opened my eyes to the vastness of social media. The course has taught me not to get bogged down trying to keep up with the technology and platforms the young people I care for are using, however, I will educate them on privacy settings and keeping safe, and get them thinking before the post or share.” “I had no expectations however it opened my eyes and was very interesting. I will try facebook now, which I never thought I would.” “It was highly beneficial and insightful, particularly because the trainer, Chris Moore, had a wealth of experience.” “Lots of interesting information, I feel more confident talking to the teenagers I care for about social media.” More pictures here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1091560504193595.1073741855.337692639580389&&uploaded=2#!/media/set/?set=a.1091560504193595.1073741855.337692639580389& Source: http://www.fostercarecooperative.co.uk/fostering-with-us/news-and-events/benefits-of-social-media-workshop/ Comments are closed.
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