![]() Last year (April 2014 to March 2015), we found that one in four children were moved regularly between foster care homes, affecting their social skills, educational outcomes and employment prospects – impacting on their behaviour as well as emotional and mental health. Today, we are warning that too many children in foster care are still being disrupted by repeated moves to new homes, and we've launched an urgent appeal to find thousands of new foster carers who can offer children a safe, stable and loving home at the earliest possible opportunity. Sir Tony Hawkhead, Chief Executive of Action for Children, said: “We know of children as young as four who have had to move three times in less than a year before finding a stable family home. For children in care, moving home means more than fitting into a new place – it means leaving behind family, friends, school and everything that is familiar to start over again. “It is impossible to imagine what this must be like for a child or young person, who has already had the toughest start in life, to have to move several times a year until they find the right foster carer." "Unfortunately, many children in foster care have experienced neglect or abuse and as a result have to move from their family home so that they are placed with a carer who can provide them with the stability, love and care they need. That’s why we urgently need more dedicated foster carers to help children and young people overcome trauma by helping them to love and trust again, feel safe, and rebuild a real sense of worth and belonging." Tony Hawkhead, Chief Executive We are looking for people across the UK who can provide a secure and loving home to children who have experienced trauma and loss. Lots of people can foster; it doesn’t matter if you’re older, whether you own or rent your home, are single, co-habiting or married, male or female or in a heterosexual or same-sex relationship, but you must have a spare room and the ability to stand alongside children and young people to help them recover. Source: https://www.actionforchildren.org.uk Comments are closed.
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