TACT (The Adolescent and Children’s Trust) today welcomed the announcement by the Government that young people in foster care in England will be entitled to remain with their carers until 21. The move follows TACT’s and sector colleagues ‘Still our Children’ campaign, which sought an amendment to the Children and Families Bill requiring local authorities to allow foster care to continue until 21. Local authorities are currently permitted to allow an extension from 18 to 21 but many do not do so. The government has announced £40 million funding for local authorities over the next three years to pay for additional costs. Following the announcement TACT interim CEO David Bradley said; “We are absolutely delighted that the Government has listened to TACT and sector colleagues campaigning for this amendment to the Children and Families Bill. There will still be issues to address, such as the continuing need for additional foster carers across the UK. However, this is a fantastic development, giving children in foster care the security, stability and support they desperately need as they enter adulthood. We hope Governments across the UK will follow suit and also that similar entitlements for children in residential care are soon introduced.” Source: tactcare.org.uk/news/tact-welcomes-government-announcement-allowing-young-people-to-remain-in-foster-care-until-twenty-one/ Comments are closed.
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