![]() Barnardo's has responded to reports today that a child was referred to children's services every 49 seconds last year. Barnardo’s Chief Executive, Javed Khan, said: "The figures highlight the rising demand on children’s services which have insufficient resources. We are working closely with local authorities on preventative strategies that support families to reduce the likelihood of children being taken into care. However, without enough secure, stable and caring foster families, children in care risk being moved around; placed somewhere that’s not right for them or separated from siblings because there is a need for 7,180 more foster families in the UK. We need more loving carers to foster children especially those who are older, disabled, are from ethnic minorities, and siblings, as they often struggle to find families. Fostering can be a life changing, life enriching experience for carers and children. Barnardo's views its relationship with foster carers as a partnership offering continued support, training and advice for as long as it is needed." Source: www.barnardos.org.uk Comments are closed.
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