![]() Due to the pandemic, Community Foster Care’s Ofsted report had been heavily delayed but we’re pleased to announce that we have recently received a rating of ‘good’. “There is a sense of community and purpose in the agency. This motivates the foster carers and staff to be aspirational for children.” We knew it was coming (We hadn’t been inspected since 2018 or since we merged the registrations of the North and South operations) but nothing ever really prepares you for an Ofsted inspection. However, we braced ourselves and on 13th June we gave a warm Community Foster Care welcome to, not one, but two Ofsted inspectors. Ofsted were extremely impressed with how we care for children and young people within our community and commented repeatedly on the high quality of our foster parents. They praised us for our therapeutic approach and the progress our children make as a result; “A strong ethos of therapeutic parenting ensures that children feel valued and loved. As a result, children who have previously struggled to form and sustain attachments, develop strong and enduring relationships with their foster carers.” and commented repeatedly on the quality of our foster carers: “Children are very much part of their foster carer’s family and children’s voices are heard and valued” We were awarded an overall judgement of ‘Good’ and have some clear guidelines which will enable us to continue to learn and improve our agency. You can read the full report here Huge thanks to everyone who contributed to the inspection. Source: www.communityfostercare.co.uk Comments are closed.
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