![]() No margins for error. Any organisation that works with young people must be held to high standards of practice. This is why OFSTED scrutinise the procedures that ensure the safety of not only the young people but our foster carers aswell. We’re incredibly proud of our Good and Outstanding grades, but the details behind these grading systems can be elusive to those not involved in the day to day of fostering and may not encompass how our service is received, beyond the formalities of practice and procedures. Whilst the OFSTED process is extremely important, it doesn’t happen all that regularly. And we want regular assurances that our stakeholders are being served to the standards they deserve and that we set for ourselves. Continuous Improvement – Carers and children in the driving seat!
This is why we commission a 3rd party to develop a survey aimed evaluating the thoughts, feelings and morale of our staff, foster carers and young people. This involves collating the views of all stakeholders involved with the Trust as well as benchmarking us against the ‘norm’ for hundreds of other organisations – Small, large, for profit and not for profit. Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing the results that communicates exactly what it’s like to work, foster and be fostered through The Children’s Family Trust. Our service is driven by the success of our teams, foster carers and looked after children and we thank every single person who responded to the survey. Even the young boy who suggested we could improve with more chicken nuggets and quite frankly, we agree. If you’d like to join our team of foster carers, get in touch today and curate a service that works, for you. Source: https://thecft.org.uk/ Comments are closed.
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