Sarah & Levi* reached a HUGE 10 years of fostering with The Children’s Family Trust. In order to celebrate the milestone and their incredible longevity, we gave them the keys to the website and asked them to blog exactly how fostering has developed, and any words of encouragement for those experiencing difficulties or struggling to make the first steps. We have been with CFT for 10 years now, our journey has taken many twists and turns over the years. The Pandemic was especially crazy in our household like many other across the world. Myself and Levi looked into fostering because we just wanted to help, that was it. The more children we could help the better. We saw CFT along with many other fostering agencies at Birmingham Pride. What they stood for and the fact that CFT is a Charity really stood out to us both. Witnessing the Trust grow and change over the years has helped us as well as many other fostering families grow too. Currently, we have one child in a long term placement with us, and we’re currently going through the “staying put” process now. Our lives have totally changed since being with CFT. It has been challenging however it has also been extremely fulfilling and enjoyable. The fact we have an amazing young person with us to share our journey is a bonus. We would highly recommend CFT to anyone who wants to foster or even just looking into it at the moment. Our advice to those thinking about becoming foster carers: Training – Attend as many training course as you can. Even if you dont have a child/ren in your care at that point. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to ask questions and speak to other carers, this will prepare you for when you do have a child/ren in your care. Champion Individuality – All children are different, what works for one child won’t work for another. It sounds simple iI know but simplicity is key. Utilise Available Support – Ask for help if you need it, what ever form that takes. Your Supervising Social Worker is there for this exact reason (as well as everything else they do too). The Application Process – The Form F is a very detailed application form that everyone has to do. It was for us, very thought provoking. This process will probably make you question some of your up bringing and also what sort of parent or carer you what to be. It won’t be the last time you question things as every training course you do will also have this effect in some way. Embrace the ability to look at something and think differently about it or look for something that can be changed moving forward. Be an Effective Advocate – Finally, the most important piece of advise we can give anyone is to listen to the child/ren in your care. You are their voice in meetings of any sort when they don’t have a voice / haven’t found it yet or don’t think anyone will listen. You are the one constant in their life that no matter what will fight for them and will be there as their safety net if they fall. In a lot of cases you are also going to be the person that shows them what a family is and how it feels, embrace this as a whole. It is hard to begin with and can be energy draining, it is also the best and most fulfilling feeling in the world. *Names have been changed to protect our carers identities. Source: Comments are closed.
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