TACT are delighted to be part of the Peterborough City Council success story in achieving a “Good” rating across all areas in their recent Ofsted Inspection of children’s social care services which took place between 25th June and 6th July 2018. This is the first time Peterborough City Council’s children’s services have been rated “Good” since its formation as a Unitary Authority in 1998. Last year Peterborough became the first council to outsource its permanency services (fostering, adoption, kinship/special guardianship order & family group conferencing) and chose TACT as their partner. Since April 2017 TACT have worked tirelessly and closely with Peterborough to make the improvements required and we are still on that journey. As Ofsted said: “Statutory functions in relation to fostering and adoption are delegated to a national charity which provides a seamless service model.” It is the strength of our partnership with Peterborough that has allowed this seamless service model and the subsequent improvements. Ofsted also noted that: “Children live in placements that meet their needs, and overall placement stability is good. The majority of children in care live with foster families. Children are matched appropriately to carers, including, where possible, carers willing to commit to the option of Staying Put in the future. Planning and support for children who are unaccompanied asylum seekers is a strength. Foster carer recruitment, training and approval are effective. Assessments of foster carers are of good quality. The fostering panel addresses issues within assessments thoroughly, and carers’ reviews consider the views of children in placement. Providing equivalent support to foster carers, connected persons, special guardians and carers of privately fostered children is making a demonstrable contribution to the quality and stability of placements for a wide range of children. Children are matched appropriately to carers, and children receive high quality, stable care. For the small number of children who have had several placements, this has been appropriate and well managed. Disabled children achieve permanence and stability in placements that meet their long-term needs. Children are encouraged to pursue a wide range of hobbies and interests, which are consistently promoted and reflected within their care planning. Children spoke with pride about their individual interests and achievements and how much they enjoyed the free leisure passes, residential holidays and summer schemes which Peterborough local authority provides for all children in care” Peterborough’s strong performance and this judgement from Ofsted clearly demonstrate that their brave and far-sighted decision to work in partnership with TACT has improved services for children in care. All of us at TACT are delighted to be part of Peterborough’s success story. Read more here Source: www.tactcare.org.uk Comments are closed.
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