Member News: TACT responds to the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care (IRCSC) in England6/6/2022
TACT – the UK’s largest fostering charity, broadly welcomes the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care (IRCSC) – an in-depth and far-reaching report published today. We are especially pleased that it has actively addressed the difficult issues and made a range of positively transformative proposals. The Report’s call for significant investment in the sector is very welcome, and clearly proves that investment is not a binary choice, as we will ultimately spend way more than the sum asked for if we do not take action now. TACT is particularly excited to see the following recommendations:
TACT looks forward to working positively with the care experienced community, Central and local government, and the whole of the children’s social care sector now need to turn the detailed recommendations of this excellent report into actions that benefit children, young people and their families, however these are constituted. Source: Comments are closed.
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