![]() Following the horrific fire at Grenfell Tower in North Kensington, the government is advising local authorities and social and private landlords to assess all buildings over 18 metres high (approximately six storeys) to identify those with external cladding made of Aluminium Composite Material. If you are a foster carer, and you live in a property of 18 metres or more, the landlord is responsible for checking for the presence of Aluminium Composite Material. If identified, the landlord should submit a sample of the cladding for testing as set out in this letter The government has also issued advice on the immediate steps owners and landlords should take if it is assessed that they have buildings of 18m or higher with ACM cladding of the type that would not meet limited combustibility requirements. This is summarised in the guidance referenced below. Regardless of the size of the building or use of cladding, it is vital that owners/landlords have robust fire assessments in place for their properties. If you have any concerns about the fire safety of your residence, you can contact your local fire and rescue service who will be able to carry out an inspection and provide advice on improving fire safety where necessary. Please read the full guidance on the gov.uk website. Source: https://www.fostercarecooperative.co.uk Comments are closed.
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