![]() We’ve had an early spring clean, tidied up the content, added some images and generally made everything look nice and fresh! The main change is in the What We Provide section. Historically we have always steered clear of highlighting the fee paid to carers – but it’s something that we thought we should at least give examples of. Carers are highly skilled individuals who invest a lot of time in the assessment process, training – as well as the amazing and wonderful way they transform children’s lives every day. So, whilst not a ‘job’ in the traditional sense, it’s important to acknowledge that there is a fee – just as there would be if fostering for a local authority. In our About Us section, we’ve added in a video which serves as a nice introduction to the ethos and approach of The Foster Care Co-operative. We hope you like it! Our values, as a not-for-profit, are very important to us – so we’ve highlighted those too in this section. The Fostering With Us section has been edited to offer clear and concise information about becoming a foster carer with us, and we’ve added some feedback from our foster carers and care leavers too. Our accessibility button is located on the left side of the screen, no matter where you are on the site. It’s there to adapt the site in a number of ways including options to make the text larger or to read the page out audibly. For those interested in fostering, there is now a floating ‘Become a carer’ button on the right-hand side of the screen. This means that you can have a good look around our site, and make a no-obligation preliminary fostering enquiry at any time. So, have a good look around, we hope you like what you see – and we’re always here if you have any questions. Source: www.fostercarecooperative.co.uk Comments are closed.
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