Member News: “The whole organisation is child centric”, celebrates report on St Christopher’s17/11/2020
St Christopher’s has been awarded the Customer Service Excellence Award for the tenth year running, with six areas of our work identified as going above and beyond expectations. Since 2011 the CSE Award has marked us on how we respond to the needs of the children and young people in our care, as well as our local authority partners, supporters and staff teams. This year we were awarded six areas of Compliance Plus, which refers to “[behaviours] or practices which exceed the requirements of the standard and are viewed as exceptional or as exemplar to others”. These include:
Chief Executive Jonathan Whalley said: “This report is a glowing evaluation of all the services that make up St Christopher’s. Considering the global events of 2020, it would be easy for us to drop the ball – however, this report just proves how much our staff have stepped up and continued to excel in their care and support for young people.” You can read a copy of the report here. Source: Comments are closed.
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